Personal Mythology

Author: Hexeengel /

I think the first thing I need to figure out is my personal mythology of the Sabbats. Some of them are easy/non-issues, like Beltane, Samhain, and Yule. Ones I tend to struggle with are Imbolc and Midsummer. The two Equinoxes and Lammas are about 50/50 right now. I'll post briefly now about those Sabbats I feel most comfortable with, just some free association...

Beltane - Union of the God and Goddess. Beginning of Summer. Veil is thin, more Faerie activity. Sex. Last fertility festival. Maypole, dancing. (I have a bit of personal narrative written already, so this is good.)

Samhain - Veil thin again, time of spirits. Wild Hunt. Horned God. Beginning of Winter. Divination. Remembering the dead. Grief and mourning, while knowing Death is not the end. Last harvest festival.

Yule - Sun Child reborn of the Earth Mother, light returns. Midwinter. Rejoice and celebration. Longest night. (I have a children's story written that I could upgrade to a more adult version, also good.)


Desiree said...

OMG. I am going thru the same thing right now! Except that my perception is a bit different. I choose not to venerate gods & goddesses but Nature and Earth and Energy itself. As a quantum physics geek, it just suits my tastes better. To each her own, right? Well anyway, check out my blog post on Beltane...Cajun Style for my take on the sitch.

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